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James T. Haines

Social responsibility and sustainable business practices are not new, trendy or even innovative concepts for us at H&K Group, Inc. (H&K). For over 50 years, we have consistently operated, adapted and scaled our company to meet the business challenges of today, tomorrow and beyond. By understanding our station and staying connected to our responsibility as a business leader, employer and steward, we have remained at the forefront of innovation Betway online casino slotsand sustainability since 1968. For H&K, the equation is quite simple: operate your business in a forthright and responsible manner, do the right thing for your employees, customers, the community, and our precious planet, and success will follow. 

“Doing the right thing for our clients, employees, communities and our planet is a family tradition that only grows stronger with each generation.” 


Betway Online Casino Games

Chief Operating Officer
H&K Group, Inc.


Betway Online Casino Games